Thursday 24 January 2008

Tyre modelled on the high poly side will make low poly without treads.
So today we came in and had a meeting about the camera movement and positioning. we when through our animatic and worked out the best ways to use the camera for each scene and made sure the transitions will flow well.

So work to do for next week is to make a section of the animatic as we have be assigned to do an update showing how the camera works in 3d space. So that is everyone except sarah, because she has lots of work with rigging. Also i have a car to finish and props to do. This is a nice amount of work to do and in proud to do the car. I plan to make it look sweet!!

Female Bike- Taken from my design of the male bike ive redesigned the frame to the style found in womens bikes.

Male Bike- I made a french design of a bicycle which has a motor on the front wheel, but also has the option of cycling. This model has a frame design for mens bikes.